New year’s resolutions you’ll actually want to keep (in scent)

Published January 3, 2022

A new year is here and we can already smell the winds of change. New habits, big dreams and exciting goals – whatever it is that you’re looking forward to during 2022, we hope that you also remember how perfect you already are at this very moment. With that said, it can be fun to use the momentum from this fantastic new beginning to add even more pleasure, inspiration and energy to each day. And that’s where your amazing nose comes into the picture.

Your sense of smell is your secret super power, allowing you to tap into emotions, memories and moods in a split second. We want to guide you to the scents that will help you figure out which resolutions you are excited to make – and keep – during 2022.

Resolution: Spend more time in nature

What is it about nature that is so calming yet so energizing? To us, a huge part of the pleasure is the mix of scents that convey a sense of safety and aliveness. The wet leaves against the cool rocks, the soft moss and the deeply rooted trees reaching far up into the fresh air. Bring out the desire for a walk in the woods with these enticing scent notes.


Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Cashmere Wood


Wild strawberries, Suede, Sandalwood

Rook Perfumes

Pine Needles, Patchouli, Cedar
Resolution: Move your body more

A walk to work, a bike ride to your friend’s house, ice-skating with your kids, a run during your lunch break… There are a lot of ways to incorporate more movement in your everyday life and get some oxygen to your brain. The hardest part is getting started, but we have a trick! Awaken the cells with an energy-boost in the form of a lively scent to help you get going.

Carner Barcelona

Mandarin, Bergamot, Vetiver
Resolution: Learn something creative

The start of a new year is the perfect time to sign up for a beginner class in a creative field. Challenge yourself by learning something new and find some new inspiration. Dancing, singing, ceramics, knitting or painting - maybe you’ll discover a hidden talent? Either way we can assure you you’ll have fun. Take that first small step out of your comfort zone and ignite the creative spark with the perfect scent.


Juniper, Black pepper, Seaweed
Resolution: Meet new people

It can be challenging meeting new friends as an adult as there just aren’t as many natural occasions to bond with someone new. Adding someone to your group of friends can however be very rewarding and fun, and even lead to unexpected possibilities. So, how do you take that first step? There’s no better conversation-starter than an interesting perfume. You’ll be bonding in no time.


Padre EdP


Cardamom, Ambroxan, Leather
Resolution: Treat yourself more often

The past two years have been incredibly challenging for many of us with periods of uncertainty and sadness. During life’s harder moments, it’s easy to put yourself aside to care for the needs of those around you instead. That’s why we want to give you a friendly reminder that it’s not selfish to treat yourself every now and then, no strings attached. Wear something extra comfortable, cancel your plans and deep-dive into pleasure with an exquisite scent.

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